An Overview Of Diagon Alley
7/19/20245 min read

As you wander through the jagged brick archway into Diagon Alley, you are completely emerged into a different world. This area of the theme park feels as if you have stumbled onto a movie set. The attention to detail is amazing. In order to truly understand the level and depth of detail that surrounds you have to be familiar with the Harry Potter books or movies.I decide to have an early lunch and dine at the Leaky Cauldron. Outside the restaurant above me hangs a metal sign of a witch stooped over a cauldron. The sign has a few drops of water on it and at my feet is a puddle of water. This is just one of the tiny often overlooked details form the Wizarding World. Once inside the restaurant you can gaze around the massive cauldron at the front of the room. I had the fish and chips which were fresh and crisp. I sipped on some delicious butter beer throughout my lunch. I have tried all three types of butterbeer: hot, frozen, and original. My favorite type is the original.
One of the most popular things to do in Diagon Alley is to use the interactive wand. You can purchase wands at either Ollivanders or Wands by Gregorovitch. I suggest going to Ollivanders because you will experience more of an interactive experience when you purchase your wand there. There are two types of wands you can purchase: ones that do “magic” and ones that just act as props. I purchased a replica of Hermione’s wand that did “magic” and it came with a map of Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade that showed some locations I could use my wand. When you stand in the proper spot and carefully wave your wand at the specified object, some sort of transformation will occur. At one place a plant grew and at another a quill levitated. Although I will not ruin how the “magic” works, I will say that the technology behind the Wizarding World is very fascinating. If you cannot figure out how to do a particular “spell” a witch or wizard who was a past Hogwarts Student (and is a Universal employee) can help you with your wand movements.

After eating a delicious lunch at the Leaky Cauldron and trying out a few spells throughout the alley, I was ready to do some exploring. On top of Gringotts bank, a dragon (specifically a Ukranian Ironbelly) is perched on top of the bank. This is a reference to the Deathly Hallows Part Two. This dragon will randomly start breathing real fire and you can feel the heat from the crowd. The dragon breathes flames up to 3,560 degrees Fahrenheit. Inside of Gringott’s bank you can exchange real money for wizarding money. This is a really fun experience because you can interact with the animatronic goblin and you can keep the wizarding money as a souvenir or spend it throughout Diagon Alley.
The thrilling roller coaster, Escape from Gringotts, is a ride I usually go on multiple times throughout my trip. This roller coaster only has one drop which is at the beginning of the ride making it a perfect first roller coaster for kids. Another must-do is to look in the shops in Diagon Alley. In Sugar Plum’s Sweets Shop you can grab some delicious treats straight out of the Harry Potter books. When you purchase a chocolate frog, it comes with a holographic card featuring a famous witch or wizard just like it did in the movies. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is by far my favorite shop in the alley. This store is run by the Weasley brothers and holds toys perfect for making mayhem. When looking around the shop you might notice the extendable ears you can purchase or the adorable little pygmy puff. However, one of the best parts of the store is that a toy version of Dolores Umbridge is pedaling a unicycle on a tightrope shouting “I will have order”. It is quite comical to watch.
Once you are done exploring Diagon Alley, you can step right outside to find the purple Knight Bus right outside or you can head over to Hogsmeade if you have a park-to-park ticket. If you book your vacation with me, we can go into more of the many benefits of a Park-to-Park ticket. One of the best benefits of a park-to-park ticket is the ability to go on the Hogwarts Express. Before you board the Hogwarts Express, you will go through a passageway and when you stare straight on at the passageway it looks normal, but from the side angle when people walk through, it looks like they are walking through a brick wall. (In the books and movies in order to board the Hogwarts Express, you have to get to platform 9 ¾; you get there by walking through the brick pillar between platforms 9 and 10. This is just another fun easter egg that not a lot of people know about.
The neatest thing about Hogwarts Express is that it is a real train that you board from King’s Cross Station that takes you directly into Hogsmeade Station. During the train ride you will be able to see shadows of the characters moving on the doorway to the individual train car. From the train window you might also see characters flying by.

At Scribbulus you can find some cute Hogwarts stationery and notebooks. There are also other stores to buy merchandise at such as Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment or Quality Quidditch supplies where you can buy quidditch uniforms and brooms. Madam Malkin’s Robes for all occasions is where you can purchase the iconic Hogwarts robes and uniforms. From wands and shopping to rides and eating I have already discussed lots of things you can do in Diagon Alley. However, there is so much more to explore that I have not already covered. When you are in need of a refreshing snack to energize you from all your shopping, make sure to stop by Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor. This is the perfect place to try some delicious Butterbeer flavored ice cream! While enjoying this sweet treat you might be able to catch a show. From Celestina Warback and the Banshees to the Tales of Beedle and Bard there are some awesome performances that you do not want to miss. These fun shows are sure to entertain the whole family.